-cleanup Remove old images after updating.Use this option if you are building new images directly on the Docker host without pushing them to a registry. Instead it will only monitor the local image cache for changes. When this flag is specified, watchtower will not attempt to pull new images from the registry. This value controls how frequently watchtower will poll for new images. -interval, -i Poll interval (in seconds).The host value can also be provided by setting the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. Defaults to "unix:///var/run/docker.sock" but can be pointed at a remote Docker host by specifying a TCP endpoint as "tcp://hostname:port". -host, -h Docker daemon socket to connect to.So the following command would execute the binary on a ARM6 device:ĭocker run -rm talmai/rpi-watchtower 6 -help The pre-built versions include GOARM=5, GOARM=6 and GOARM=7, which generate respective executables.

Run the watchtower container followed by your RPi, where